Nuestra pasión por el ajedrez

En ChessAP, somos una academia de ajedrez online con un equipo altamente calificado y titulado, comprometido con la enseñanza y el desarrollo de habilidades en nuestros estudiantes.

A close-up view of a chessboard with wooden pieces in play. The focus is on the kings and queens, prominently positioned on the board. The background is slightly blurred, hinting at a warm and calm indoor setting. The chess pieces are made of contrasting light and dark wood.
A close-up view of a chessboard with wooden pieces in play. The focus is on the kings and queens, prominently positioned on the board. The background is slightly blurred, hinting at a warm and calm indoor setting. The chess pieces are made of contrasting light and dark wood.
Excelente método de enseñanza.

Carlos M.


Quién está detrás de ChessAP

¡Hola! Soy la candidata a maestra e instructora fide, Adriana Palao. Descubrí el maravilloso mundo del Ajedrez con tan solo 5 años. Dede entonces, he competido a distintos niveles, local, nacional y mundial. Diría que esto me ayuda mucho en mi rol como entrenadora porque puedo entender todos los sentimientos, inseguridades y motivación que necesita un jugador desde muy temprana edad. Así nace ChessAP, estoy aquí para compartir mi pasión por la educación y el aprendizaje con todos ustedes.

selective focus photo of we Founders heart-printed ceramic mug
selective focus photo of we Founders heart-printed ceramic mug


15 años

Experiencia comprobada


woman wearing yellow long-sleeved dress under white clouds and blue sky during daytime

La academia de Adriana Palao Chess me ha ayudado a mejorar mis habilidades en ajedrez rápidamente.

Carlos Ruiz

A chess board sits on a metal outdoor table with chess pieces set up for a game. The background is blurred, featuring lush green trees and additional empty tables and chairs, suggesting an outdoor park or garden setting.
A chess board sits on a metal outdoor table with chess pieces set up for a game. The background is blurred, featuring lush green trees and additional empty tables and chairs, suggesting an outdoor park or garden setting.

Las clases son muy profesionales y el equipo es increíblemente amable y atento a mis necesidades.

María López

A wooden chessboard is set up for a game with black and white pieces positioned in their starting places. The board is placed on a wooden table, and there is soft lighting in the room. In the background, papers are loosely stacked on a table.
A wooden chessboard is set up for a game with black and white pieces positioned in their starting places. The board is placed on a wooden table, and there is soft lighting in the room. In the background, papers are loosely stacked on a table.
nerea gallego campeona de españa nerea gallego campeona de españa


Nuestros alumnos destacan a nivel local, nacional e internacional. Tenemos en nuestra fila a destacados deportistas que poseen títulos de competiciones oficiales a nivel mundial.